最近、日本から輸出された有機食品から微量の化学物質が検出されたという報告がちらほら出ています。多くの場合は、定性分析の一斉スクリーニングにおいて 0.01ppm 以下のごく微量の検出であり、その後、定量分析をすると不検出になるケースもあります。
まず有機生産の原則は、「農業の自然循環機能の維持増進を図るため、化学的に合成された肥料及び農薬の使用を避けることを基本とする」(有機農産物の日本農林規格・第 2 条) です。この規定に沿って、有機生産者は圃場において「周辺から使用禁止資材が飛来し、又は流入しないように必要な措置を講じ」 (同 第 4 条)、収穫後も「生産された農産物が 農薬、洗浄剤、消毒剤その他の資材により汚染されないように管理を行うこと」 (同 第 4 条)が求められます。
①有機 JAS 認定圃場の面積は日本の耕地面積の約 0.22%に過ぎず、圏内の有機圃場は非有機栽培に固まれている。
前述したように、有機生産は農業の自然循環機能の維持増進を図り、持続可能な生産や 社会を実現することが目的であり、そのために化学物質を低減するよう日々の管理を行っています。現段階で、化学物質ゼロを過度に求めることは、逆に有機へ参入する生産者を 少なくし、持続可能性が減退すると考えます。
以上のことから当会は、定性分析により有機食品から化学物質が微量検出されたというだけで特別な措置を講じることは考えていません。定量分析において検出値が確定した後 に原因を調査し、その結果、必要であれば改善や回収を指示します。
ただし、定性分析から定量分析、原因究明の調査を経て判定までには数カ月の時間を要 することがあります。当会としては、その聞の対応について、関係者の皆さんと連携しな がら確実かつ適切に進めていく所存ですので、宜しくお願い致します。
JONA (JAPAN ORGANIC&NATURAL FOODS ASSOCIATION)position about chemical substances detected from organic foods
Recently, there have been reports from trace amounts of chemical substances detected from organic foods exported from Japan. In many cases, in a simultaneous screening of qualitative analysis, a trace amount below 0.01 ppm of chemical substances are detected, and thereafter there may be cases where they are not detected by quantitative analysis from the same sample.
Because qualitative analysis may not be as much accurate, it is impossible to determine the presence or absence of detection unless it is quantitative analysis, but since the disturbance may become large only with qualitative analysis data, we would like to clarify the position of our association on this matter in advance.
First of all, the principle of organic production is “to reduce the load from agricultural production on the environment as much as possible, by avoiding the use of chemical synthetic fertilizers and substances for plant pest and disease control in principle” (Article 2 of Japan Agricultural Standard for Organic Plants). In line with the article, organic producers are required to manage as follow: “the necessary measures shall be taken in fields, so as to prevent prohibited substances from drifting and flowing from surrounding areas ” (Article 4 of JAS of Organic Plant) and, after the harvest, “plants produced in compliance…shall be controlled so as not to be exposed to substances for plant and disease control, detergents, disinfectants and other chemical” (Article of JAS of Organic Plant).
However, even if the management describe is fully conducted, a trace amount of chemical substances would be detected from organic foods in a few cases. The reasons are as follows.
① In Japan, the area of organic certified field is only about 0.22% of the cultivated land area, and the organic field is surrounded by non-organic cultivation field.
② Chemical substances are flooded in the streets and are used not only for fertilizers and pesticides but also for other agricultural materials and packaging materials too.
As mentioned earlier, organic production is aimed at maintaining and promoting the natural circulation function of agriculture and realizing sustainable production and society, and for that purpose organic operators manage day to day to reduce chemical substances. At the present stage, excessive requirement of zero tolerance for substances, on the contrary, reduces the number of producers entering organic and thinks that sustainability of the whole society will decline.
Based on the above, we do not consider taking special adverse measures just by detecting trace amounts of chemical substances from organic foods by qualitative analysis. After the detection value is confirmed in quantitative analysis, investigate the cause, and as a result, instruct improvement and recall the products if necessary.
However, it may take several months for executions of first qualitative analysis and additional test of quantification analysis and investigation of cause and decision on it. Our association will take reliable and appropriate actions in cooperation with operators in question during that time. Thank you.